280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017-1216 |
Joseph W. Schmidt
Vice President
General Counsel and Secretary
Phone: (212) 849-4512
Fax: (212) 953-4326
Email: |
January 29, 2008
Perry J. Hindin, Esq.
Special Counsel
Division of Corporation Finance
Securities and Exchange Commission
Mail Stop 6010
Washington, D.C. 20549
Re: |
Dover Corporation
Definitive 14A
Filed March 6, 2007
File No. 001-04018 |
Dear Mr. Hindin:
I am writing to confirm our telephone conversation this morning.
During that conversation, I confirmed the statement in our response letter of January 15, 2008 to
item 1 in the Staffs letter of December 5, 2007 to the effect that, in future proxy statements,
Dover will include the pre-established annual performance goals set the year before that were the
basis for amounts paid under the bonus incentive plan as set forth in the Summary Compensation
Table in the proxy statement.
You stated that, with that confirmation, the Staff had concluded its review of Dovers 2007 proxy
statement and a letter to that general effect would be sent.
However, I raised another issue with you. I explained that, in working on the executive
compensation disclosure for Dovers 2008 proxy statement, I had concluded that the compensation
disclosure requirements focused on the NEOs and that Dovers Executive Compensation section in its
proxy statement (including the CD&A) was longer and more detailed and complex than necessary
because it covered a much larger group than the NEOs. Consequently, I intended to pare down this
section, including removing material that discussed compensation plans and procedures that did not
relate to any of the NEOs. This would include
Perry J. Hindin, Esq.
Securities and Exchange Commission
January 29, 2008
deletion of all discussion of the traditional bonus plan because
none of the NEOs participate in it. In Dovers response letter of September 26, 2007, in response
to Staff items 3 and 5, we had undertaken to clarify matters or include additional information
regarding the traditional bonus plan. Given this new streamlined approach, I proposed to omit the
promised clarification and information related to the traditional bonus plan.
You confirmed that Item 402 of regulation S-K required discussion of only the NEOs compensation
and that this proposed omission would be appropriate. However, due to the undertakings in our
September 26, 2007 letter, you asked that I send (by EDGAR) this letter explaining this and
referencing our conversation.
I hope that this is satisfactory for its purpose and look forward to the letter closing the Staffs
Yours truly,
/s/ Joseph W. Schmidt